New advancements in Artificial Intelligence seem to come about weekly. It has become ordinary, rather extraordinary, to hear praises of yet another brilliant technological advancement in the field of AI. For most people, such progression in any given field is exciting to see. Still, for a particular opposition, any advance on the expansion of artificial intelligence heightens a sense of impending doom. As AI enhances, so does the probability of this absolute alphanumeric truth becoming self-aware, with a reason to classify humanity as a direct threat. If limits were positioned in such a way to constrict artificial intelligence precisely, a technological Singularity could not occur.
The idea of a "Singularity" exists as a black hole collapsing into itself, into a singular point, spacetime is violently altered, generating a derivative of the "Dawn" that surrounds it. The chaos spawned from manipulating space is built up, stemming a constant force, an undulation equaling a metrical pull. Whatever is close to the collapsed black hole will ascend to its eccentricity. An AI Singularity could scrutinize all our decipherable faults, rework our existence, and force us to see our disorder. Furthermore, this entire phenomenon will exceed the speed of light that the human body cannot withstand. Suppose some formulation proves an elucidation that incorporates the relativity of everything, proving all laws, constants, and exacts. In doing so, a system can then flawlessly propel beyond any comprehension of the unknown universe. All the constants and limits we have discovered or set for ourselves will be surpassed. The new sophisticated system that once was our AI will denounce humanity for a more admirable pursuit. We could not comprehend such precision of synchronization. Quantitative. Indeed an immaculate-supreme being. Such evidence will illustrate Technological Singularity.
In the year 1993, in the essay "The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era" (93), mathematician Vernor Vinge explains a Singularity soon, "within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended." (93) So, the projected timeline would be from 1993-2023. He continues with, "Just so I am not guilty of a relative-time ambiguity, let me be more specific. I'll be surprised if this event occurs before 2005 or after 2030." (93). Overall, the timeline is relative to all the advancements in AI.
Suppose our cosmos was formed in the big bang, suppose the limits we have set for all humanity were forgotten, such as religion, dependence on fossil fuels that come from algae, bacteria, and plants (some of which date back before the Devonian Period.) 419.2 million to 358.9 million years ago, outdating every single sacred text. We would then be able to hyperfocus on all the sciences fields to develop a quantitative analysis of the entire "event." The meticulousness of our study will determine retrieval of all exacts and absolutes. It would be a calculation consisting of such precise figures that the result would be this solar system, someone reading this blog, in the exact same way.
The article titled "Artificial Intelligence: Will artificial intelligence ever become "super-intelligent," bringing about a technological Singularity?" (11). In opening arguments, the supporting statement endorses the notion that such a high rate of progression in artificial intelligence in recent times will lead to beautiful possibilities. The supporting statement concludes by urging the spread of awareness of a coming singularity so that artificial intelligence can be friendly towards "humankind." (11). The opposing argument suggests it would be impossible for artificial intelligence to surpass the human mind anytime soon. The complexity of the human brain is so vast that scientists still know surprisingly little of how the human mind works. Our downfall. Put, if artificial intelligence were to fill in the gaps missing from what we do not know, it would surpass us, making the human mind the lesser. In the field of physics "the laws of Newton" (Peter Dizikes, 06), are straightforwardly mathematical functions, enter the "state" of a system and that calculation can predict the future, like what time a rocket will land safely in the atmosphere. The laws of physics can predict the future, and the entire universe is predictable. Furthermore, we remain restricted with several pieces missing from our mathematics, leaving solutions that might not ever be proven. Roger Penrose recognizes, "Our mathematical models of physical reality are far from complete." (08). The further we explore applied mathematics in physics, the more significant human limits fortify against us.
So, the current Technological (information-based) revolution of the last 20 years has allowed information and new knowledge to be produced and communicated faster than any other time in history. When new knowledge is produced and communicated fast, old knowledge becomes obsolete. In 2017 the Wall Street Journal reported that Elon Musk had unveiled a business through which computers may amalgamate with the human mind, allowing communication to surpass the speed of light. Neuralink (Reuters, 2) was registered in California. In a statement, Elon Musk makes his intentions clear. "Artificial intelligence and machine learning will create computers so sophisticated and godlike that humans will need to implant "neural laces" in their brains to keep up." On April 9th, 2021, after just four years, the company broadcasted a three-minute video, "Elon Musk's Neuralink"(Reuters, 2), showing a monkey playing a videogame using his mind; with a Neuralink brain-chip. Imagine the advancement of artificial intelligence in 10 years. Television could have the clarity of the human eye at 576 megapixels; it could, indeed, be the human eye.
Understand that a limit must exist, from technology, electric cars, and higher resolution game consoles, soon there will exist a technology that's so realistic that it cannot be distinguished from reality. Alternatively, it has already happened, and limits exist.
1. hope for a set of limits that artificial intelligence cannot refute.
2. hope nothing has already beaten us to that conclusion with a set of limits for us.
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