Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Dream Big.

 "Dreams don't work unless you do." 

        Do you have a dream? 

Is it of the future? Perhaps to correct the past? If you're anything like me, you have had several dreams, some became reality and some fell to pieces before they even started. In my short lifetime no matter the dream I've always kept one quote in mind, "some of us may never see the world." 


Dear Reader,

  Imagination can fuel lots of things, like turning a living room into an enormous castle surrounded by  an endless wasteland, scourged earth or a cursed forest.

Growing up, the scenarios my sisters and I would create with our minds;  a vast empire ruled by a  Beautifully vile queen that had ever ruled a domain. (played by my oldest sister Amber) she would layout her master plan to trap the princess in an Endless sleep, a tangled maze, or on a forbidden island. The princess, (played by my youngest sister.) was the damsel in distress, and the hero prince, (played by yours truly) the prince of all the land set to rule after he can prove his worth and bring his sister back to the kingdom. These scenarios would keep us entertained for years to come. until one day we played one last time, and to this day I try my best to remember that day and for the life of me I can not. Did the hero save his sister, the princess? Did the queen take back her kingdom which was stolen away by the false mortal king?  

    And that's my dream, to see how that last quest ended. I am starting college courses in January, I've not taken a class since 2006 so I'm really looking forward to truly challenging myself like the Queen (in real life), she went to pursue her dream in nursing, and is now a  R.N. on the front lines during the global pandemic. A noble cause. The Princess (in real life), Became the most loving stay-at-home mommy, with an artistic touch as she has graced many people with her amazing make-up techniques. And the Hero (in real life), has had many, many journeys and was given an opportunity to start a new journey. The Ultimate journey.

College. (lol) 


Here's to dreams.

Here's to dreamers. 





sincerely yours, 





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